What We Do
If you are unsure whether you have a wax build-up or not or if you would just like some ear care advice, you can book a consultation appointment for an ear check only.
If you book a Microsuction appointment but you do not have wax, your appointment will be treated as a consultation appointment.
We see adults of all ages and children from 10 years old+. An adult must be present for appointments for children aged 10-15.
We use a combination of Microsuction and manual instruments to remove any wax blockages.
It is important that you prepare your ears adequately for the appointment.
Scroll down for more information on Microsuction.
Home Visits
Home visits within the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham are available on request. Please contact us for further information.

What is it?
During this procedure, the audiologist uses a suction device at low pressure to gently remove any ear wax or foreign body present in the ear canal. The audiologist wears a headlight with a microscope to allow them to see inside your ear and enable them to safely remove the wax or foreign body. It is quick and effective, and considered much safer than other methods of wax removal such as syringing or irrigation.
All appointments are carried out by fully qualified, appropriately trained and experienced audiologists. For more details, see About Us.